Abida Hoque

After studying Cognitive Science at York University, Abida discovered a special interest in the field of mental health. She pursued a Honour’s Bachelor Degree in Therapeutic Recreation and completed a placement at the University Health Network in Toronto. She served as a Facilitator for Across Boundaries, working directly with community members and empowering discussions about the impact of racism, discrimination, and other forms of oppression. Abida also held a position as a Women’s Leadership Initiative Coordinator for the StandOut program, a community-based initiative focused on supporting healthy lifestyles for youth. Her love for children and passion for mental health services is what encouraged Abida to seek a career as a psychometrist at Family Psychology Centre, under the direct supervision of Dr. Mirisse Foroughe. Her warmth and ability to empathize are clear strengths for Abida, allowing her to make strong connections with children and teens throughout the assessment process. Abida conducts assessments of cognitive ability (Gifted testing), socio-emotional functioning, psycho-educational testing, and specialized testing of attentional functioning.
Abida also holds the position of Clinic Coordinator at Family Psychology Centre, working closely with team clinicians and administrative staff to enhance the overall experience for patients and families in our care.
Dr. Rachel Moline
Ph.D., R. Psych. C.Psych (Interim Autonomous Practice)
Supervising Clinical Psychologist